Crafting a niche for itself in the category of modern flex nib fountain pens serving calligraphers, artists, professionals, students & pen enthusiasts. We believe each human is as unique as their handwriting and we aspire to offer a handcrafted nib as unique as yourself. Kanwrite has developed one of the largest varieties of nib offerings globally with over 42+ types of nib options & 12 fountain pen models to choose from, completely manufactured in-house with over 38 years of experience working as an OEM for 40+ brands globally.
Founder Mr. Laxmi Shankar Awasthi with 10 years of prior experience working with a writing instrument industry, discovered a gap in the Indian market for quality fountain pen nibs. He embarked on a journey to start his own company Kanpur Writers in the city of Kanpur situated in the North Central region of India around 1986 along with his two sons – Co-Founders- Mr. Pradeep & Sandeep Awasthi with a vision to offer high quality nibs at affordable prices to the Indian pen manufacturers contributing to the growing demand of writing instruments in educational & professional sectors. During the 1990s-2000 decade, India registered the highest growth of all time in its literacy rate (13%) and Kanwrite manufactured 30,000+ nibs a day to ensure the demand of the nation was met.
During the 2000s, the demand for use & throw low priced ballpoint pens offered great value proposition to the rising number of Indian writers which in turn led to several fountain pen manufacturers either shutting down their business or diversified into a different category. Mr. Sandeep was quick to realize the situation and guided the organization towards the strategy of forward integration & International expansion. Kanwrite collaborated on several projects with our US based partners to create fountain pens for the first time, in doing so, Kanwrite went an extra mile and also developed custom designed ink filling systems.
Factors such as possessing the capability of complete in-house designing & manufacturing of fountain pens equipped with special flexible nibs, catering to the US, Europe & Indian markets, led to the formation of brand KANWRITE in 2012. KAN- stands for the city Kanpur we are based out of.
Since 2012, we have launched 12+ fountain pen models & boast the largest variety of specialized handcrafted fountain pen nibs in the world.
We offer a varied range of writing instruments with the best quality components that serves the purpose of students, businessmen & professionals alike. We are not the largest manufacturer of our products, only because we prioritize quality over quantity & concentrate more on innovation of better products rather than producing vehemently.
We are a family managed business. And a family business has always been synonymous to the core values that our culture carries. The very success of the company can be attributed to the fact that its constitution has always given the same importance to values and business ethics as much as to profit and numbers. And this equilibrium has always helped us to have a smooth supply chain and abide by the promise to our clients, to provide with the best pens at a competitive price. Our strong morals motivate us to thrive hard and continuously improve our products. Our quality maintenance emerges from the impeccable shop floor management that has always helped us to retain employees and keep them satisfied.